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Why flossing is important

When you think of dental hygiene, flossing isn't usually the first thing that comes to mind. It's another one of those things that you just have to get over with; however, there are many benefits for flossing your teeth. Flossing helps prevent tooth decay and gingivitis by removing bacteria from your mouth, which has been shown to help ward off heart disease as well!

Helpful tips for flossing

Flossing is important to help remove plaque and food particles that can cause gum disease, or periodontal disease. It's best to floss at least once per day after brushing your teeth.

Make sure you use rubber-tipped flossers. This will make it easier for you to get between the teeth and underneath them without any discomfort or pain.
Use a water pick if necessary when flossing with regular string floss, as it may be difficult for some people with limited dexterity abilities (like me) who have limited access due to braces/implants etc., so this might be necessary in those cases too!

Flossing can help prevent tooth decay

Flossing is an important part of your oral hygiene routine. It can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, which are some of the leading causes of tooth loss.

Why floss?
How often should I floss?
What happens if I don't floss regularly?

Removing bacteria and plaque helps prevent gingivitis

If you don't floss, you may be missing out on the benefits of removing plaque and bacteria from between your teeth. Plaque is a sticky film that grows on your teeth, causing inflammation and gum disease. Bacteria can lead to bad breath and tooth decay if left unchecked—and it's all because of plaque!

If you have gingivitis (an infection of the gums), then flossing is essential for preventing

periodontal disease from developing further into more serious conditions like oral cancer or heart disease. Flossing removes this plaque buildup so that its harmful effects are minimized or eliminated altogether.

Floss helps ward off heart disease

Flossing is a good way to help prevent heart disease. It can remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth, which can lead to heart disease.

If you have never flossed before or if you want to make sure that you are using the right type of floss, check out our guide on how to choose the best kind of dental floss for your needs.

Be mindful of your body's reactions, good and bad.

When you floss, be mindful of your body's reactions. Are they good? Are they bad? How are they feeling? If a particular area of your mouth hurts or causes discomfort, this can be an indicator that something is wrong and needs to be examined further.

If a reaction or symptom is bothering you, it’s okay to ask for help from friends and family members who have experience with dental care. Don't be afraid to say no if it feels uncomfortable; everyone has limits on what they can take in life—and dental work shouldn't be one of them!

Flossing can never be enjoyable. It's one of those things that you must just get over with

Flossing is not enjoyable. It's boring, tedious and sometimes even painful. But it's necessary to keep your teeth healthy and prevent gum disease.

You don't have to enjoy flossing—just do it! You can do this at any point in the day, so long as you're at home or in front of a mirror (if you're not too busy).


If you're having trouble remembering to floss, try drinking more water. The more hydrated you are, the easier it will be for you to remember to do something as simple as flossing!

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